Lancashire Times
A Voice of the Free Press
Graham Clark
Music Features Writer
12:00 AM 31st August 2024

Albums: Skinshape: Another Side Of Skinshape

Skinshape: Another Side Of Skinshape
Stornoway; Mulatu of Ethiopia; Can You Play Me A Song; Lady Sun; It’s About Time; How Can It Be?; Ananda; Road; Massako; There’s Only Hope
(Lewis Recordings)

As the album title suggests, these tracks show another side to Skinshape (aka Will Dorey); however, there is always a consistent thread that pulsates throughout all the tracks here.

Anyone who appreciates the music of Ezra Collective and Tame Impala will discover here an album that also pays homage to the nineties, before creating a sonic dreamscape that sounds intoxicating on a sun-dappled afternoon.

The album takes the listener on an unforgettable journey through experiments with various keyboards and drum machines layered over Thomas Blunt's drumming.

The opening track, Stornaway, is a dreamy instrumental where minimal production lays the song bare while reggae star Hollie Cook adds a refreshing vocal to Lady Sun, replicating the same lifeblood heard in albums Nostalgia or Craterellus Tubaeformis.

Despite the limited opportunities to hear any of the tracks on the radio, those who discover this eclectic album will discover an enjoyable album that seamlessly fits into their daily routine.